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chinese kale中文

用"chinese kale"造句"chinese kale" in a sentence"chinese kale"怎麼讀


  • 芥藍


  • Effect of nitrogen nutrient on the growth and quality of chinese kale
  • Embryogenesis and plant regeneration of chinese kale via isolated microspore culture
  • 1 2 bowl of cooked vegetables , sprouts , gourds or mushrooms e . g . chinese flowering cabbage , chinese kale , spinach , white cabbage , bean sprouts , eggplant , carrot
    半碗煮熟的蔬菜、芽菜、瓜類或菇類(如:菜心、芥蘭、菠菜、白菜、豆芽、茄子、紅蘿卜) 。
  • Vegetables such as watercress , lettuce , chinese cabbage , chinese kale , spinach , green and red radish , broccoli , cabbage , celery cabbage and fruit like oranges , apples , pears , etc
  • Vegetable crops grown all year round include white cabbage , flowering cabbage , lettuce and chinese kale . long bean , water spinach , chinese spinach , cucumber and several species of chinese gourd are produced in summer . spinach , watercress and matrimony vine are grown in cooler months
  • Fifteen farmers took part in the organic farming conversion scheme in the year , producing about one tonne of vegetables every day . they have to follow the afcd protocol on organic production , soil management , pest and weed control . the farms grow on average 10 crops such as lettuce , white cabbage , flowering cabbage , water spinach , chinese spinach , chinese kale , garland chrysanthemum and egg plant
用"chinese kale"造句  
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